lunes, 6 de abril de 2015


Universidad Politacnica de Quintana Roo

    Vara Reyes Patricio Eviel 

English Recovery


S   Swallowing - Change in the digestive system, a food substance that the body assimilates (Deglutir, tragando).
·         The eagle is swallowing a  snake
2.     Prey – Person, animal or thing that is hunted, stolen or trapped , especially if violence or struggle (presa).
·         She is prey to irrational fears
3.     Chewing – Crushing or grinding something in your mouth with teeth to extract their juice or flavored or be swallowed (masticando)
·         The goats had chewed all flowers
4.     Deeply – Change in the digestive system, a food substance that the body assimilates (profundamente)
·         They looked deeply into eachh other’s eyes
5.     Ponder – Think and consider a case closely and carefully to study, understand well, form an opinion abounot it or make a decision. (reflexionar)
·         Walk on the beach to ponder
6.     pondered – Pray mentally on some religious or transcendent issue (meditando)
·         I keep doing yoga to pondered
7.     advise – Tell a person what they can or what to do about something that affects their own interests or welfare. (asesorar, aconsejar)
·         I’d advise leaving the car here
8.     lay – Make a person or thing is in a certain place (poner, colocar, arrastra)
·         The lay on the table
9.     clear-sighted – [person ] that is able to think and understand things with insight , wit and ingenuity (clarividente)
·         clear-sighted  predicted what would happen
10.  neckties – Accessories used by men to adorn suits (corbatas)
·         Men who wear neckties
11.  scarcely Indicates that hardly occurs as expressed by the verb , or produced in the shortest possible degree. (apenas)
·         Could scarcely walk
12.  shipwrecked – [person ] that has suffered shipwreck (naufrago)
·         The only friend of the shipwrecked was a Spalding ball
13.  sailor – [person ] who lives by the sea or sea (marinero)
·         Sailor that's gone to sea 
14.  thunderstruck – [person ] That is shocked , amazed and baffled by something unusual , and does not understand what is happening and know how to react . (estupefacto)
·         With the confession that made me left me thunderstruck
15.  blinked – [Action] open and close eyes very fast(parpadeo)
·         He blinked and appeared right in front of him
16.  frightened -  That shows or denotes fright (asustado, espantado)
·         His arrival left me frightened
17.  overpowering – They gained the choices for overwhelming majority (abrumador, arrollador)
·         An overpowering smell
18.  cumbersome. – That is troublesome and tense in a place or a situation (engorroso, pesado, incómodo)
·         He was muffled in thick and cumbersome clothing
19.  acquaintance  - It presents with whom deal is had, but not of friendship (conocido)
·         I am very glad to make your acquaintance
20.  sank – To do that something or someone remains completely immersed in a liquid or that it goes away towards the bottom of him(se hundió)
·         I sank even further in
21.  Shrug To become smaller [a thing] {encogimiento (de hombros)}
·         HHe said with a shrug
22.  ForbearanceAptitude to suffer and tolerate misfortunes and adversities or troublesome or offensive things, with strength(fortress), without complaining to rebel (paciencia)
·         I need more forbearance
23.  PerhapsIt indicates that it’s considered to be possible, though not insurance, which steadies itself (quizás)
·         Perhaps he’ll come
24.  GrowTo get old to a person or thing (Crecer – Grow old – Envejcerse)
·         I saw grow
25.  IndeedThing produced by a reason (en efecto)
·         If indeed he is wrong
26.  SproutTo appear or a thing to demonstrate again (brote, retoñar)
·         There was a new sprout of larvae
27.  RidTo exclude or to reject to a person or a thing of a matter or of the set in which it’s (Eliminar)
·         I need to rid the weeds
28.  SpreadsEffect of spreading (Propagacion )
·         The spread of infection
29.  NeglectedThat does not take care of his physical aspect or his things (Descuidado)
·         He is a neglected composer.
30.   Bushes[Plants] which principal stem branches out to few height on the soil in several thin trunks and approximately equal (Arbustos)
·         I got to trim the bushes
31.  Sunset – [Action ] when the sun goes down (puesta de sol)
·         I smile on the sunset
32.  Fond – [person ] that likes something or has interest in it (Aficionado)
·         I fond mexican food
33.  Thorns –Acute , sharp extension with certain animals and plants in the area and serves as a defense (Espinas)
·         You learn to love the thorns or not accept roses
34.  Unscrew –remove a screw (Destornillar)
·         I need to unscrew the faucet
35.  Worst – Establishes a relationship of inferiority among several terms, which may be explicit or implicit (Peor)
·         There is nothing worse than an ugly
36.  Resentfulness –Persistent feeling of disgust or anger toward anyone considering it causes offense or suffered some damage and is manifested in words or hostile acts (Resentimiento)
·         I had resentfulness my father
37.  Ashamed -Feeling of loss of dignity caused by misconduct or humiliation or insult received. (Avergonzado)
·         He was felt ashamed about what had happened
38.  Sobbing –feeling before starting to mourn (Sollozando)
·         He was sobbing
39.  Thirst – Need for water (Sed)
·         After drunk I am thirsty
40.  Claws –Part of the skin of an animal used in fur, which corresponds to the legs and less appreciated than the rest. (Garras)
·         He had a steel claws… He is a mutant

The Little Prince
The story is narrated by the Aviator, an adult who finds it difficult to get along with other adults he says that he is a child who has grown.
In a solo flight, his plane suffers a breakdown and emergency landing in the Sahara desert.
That takes place his meeting with Prince, a child who comes from another planet, so small that only three volcanoes, dwarf baobabs and a flower.
The Prince asks the flyer that will draw a lamb to carry their world. After befriending the Aviator, tells how was lonely and melancholy life until the arrival of the flower, a beautiful flower that loves the Prince but who really is difficult to express with sincerity.
Because of doubts about the love of the flower, the Prince leaves his asteroid and runs different worlds, inhabited by strange characters like King, the vain, the drinker, the lamplighter and the geographer.
Finally arrives on Earth, where he met the snake and the fox, who came to establish a special bond and who learns that "only looks good with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eye".
At last the Prince returns to the Sahara Desert, the place in which it descended to Earth, to befriend the flyer and tell his adventures.
When the Aviator unable to repair his plane, the Prince is bitten by the snake, as this is the only way he can return to his planet, to care for your flower.

The Aviator discovers that although the Prince has managed to take with the drawing of lamb, has not taken a muzzle to tie.

The little Prince (Recovery) by PatoVara